Craig Brown | Founder | Stop Hiding Start Healing

Addiction is painful for everyone, but for Christians, the struggle can feel even more devastating. The expectation of living a sin-free life, coupled with feelings of guilt and shame, often makes believers wonder, “If I am saved, why do I still struggle with this?”

The truth is, addiction does not discriminate. It can affect anyone—regardless of faith. But as a Christian, there is a powerful hope in knowing that through Christ, freedom is not only possible but already won.

1. He Already Took It Away

At Calvary, Jesus broke the chains of sin. Romans 6-8 reminds us that we are dead to sin—it has no control over us. However, God does not force us to walk in that freedom. He gives us the ability to choose.

When we pray, “God, please take this away,” He responds, “I already did.” The power of addiction was broken on the cross, but it is up to us to yield to Christ daily and walk in that victory.

2. The Shame That Comes With Addiction

For Christians, addiction can bring an intense level of shame. It’s hard enough struggling for our own sake, but knowing we are not living as God intended adds another layer of guilt. This shame can either push us toward change—or pull us into hopelessness.

The enemy wants us to believe we are too far gone, that God is disappointed in us, and that we should hide our struggles. But the truth is, God’s grace is greater than our failures. His love does not waver, even in our weakest moments.

3. Coming Clean While Being Christian and Addicted

Many Christians feel they must hide their struggles, fearing judgment from their faith community. But healing requires honesty. It is only when we bring our struggles into the light that we can experience true freedom.

The Bible calls us to bear one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2). A faith community that understands grace will offer support and encouragement, not condemnation. Recovery is not about perfection—it’s about daily surrender to Christ.

You Are Not Alone

If you are a Christian struggling with addiction, know this: You are not alone, you are not beyond redemption, and you are not unloved. Christ has already paid the price for your freedom. It is time to step into it.

Surround yourself with people who will encourage your recovery, and remember—God is not waiting for you to be perfect. He is walking with you right now, even in the struggle.

Are you ready to take the next step toward healing?


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